Friday, August 29, 2008

typhoon is very happy to be moving house
she just checked her new apartment just now and everything's in order
just that she has no idea how she's gonna get a bed
but well having a clean environment is very important, esp toilets.

she doesn't really like sch a lot cos the teachers dun really talk to her a whole lot
and there are a lot of male teachers while the female teachers are mostly part-time
on the other hand, she's becoming a mini-celebrity
with all the students recognising her on the streets
whom she has no inkling are from her schools at all
it's nice in a way, to have people recognise and smile at you
she only wishes that she can still shop unknown

she is fallin in love with onigiris
they are oiishi and yasui
which is good for her stomach and pocket

in japan, mayonnaise is a food group by itself

she has been nicknamed typhoon
due to the japanese inability to pronounce "h"

she has a friend called godzilla

japanese students can sleep and talk in class and NOT get scolded

japanese ppl love to say sumimasen and nod their heads

people here are really nice in small ways
everyone is willing to help you when you are lost
from the 80 year old lady to the hair dresser to women out on an evening stroll

people here are honest, people do not lock their bikes when they go into stores.

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